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備註: 此課程已包含SSI國際唎酒師考試及證書費;共16小時課時,品試約20款清酒

SSI 國際唎酒師課程

定價 HK$7,800.00
定價 HK$8,200.00 售價 HK$7,800.00
特價 名額已滿


日本酒侍酒研究會・酒匠研究會連合會(SSI) 之 國際分部 (SSI INT’L) 的主要目的,除了提供海外人士關於「日本酒」、「日本燒酎」的提供方式等專業知識,亦透過啟蒙教育,致力於普及、推廣「和酒」文化,為相關業界之交流給予支援,志在傳承與發展貢獻。



  • 在世界各地販賣清酒的從業員

  • 在世界各地將清酒知識推廣給大眾的人

  • 糾結於日本文字而又希望學習清酒知識的朋友


    國際唎酒師  課程介紹









    1. 觀察力:能察言觀色,分析消費者的需求
    2. 服務精神:殷勤親切的待客之道
    3. 商品知識:不只日本清酒,亦精通其他餐飲知識
    4. 理解食文化:熟知酒精飲料對身體的影響、各類飲食的食補功效
    5. 專門知識:孜孜不倦地自我訓練,以習得消費者之上的專業知識
    6. 能力、技術:日本酒的品鑑能力、侍酒技術
    7. 提案力:運用上述各點,具企劃能力並使用其專長語言向消費者提案


    ~ 成功唎酒師條件

    ~ 酒類基礎知識

    ~ 清酒4大類別

    ~ 清酒原料及製法

    ~ 清酒歷史

    ~ 清酒酒標

    ~ 清酒侍酒

    ~ 清酒促銷活動

    ~ 清酒品鑑




     學期  時間 / 地點 導師 

     2 - 30 Mar 2025

    共 4 堂 (星期日,9/3除外) 

    14:00 - 18:00

    HKWA -- 尖沙咀金巴利街1號B恆港中心1樓

    Oliver Chan

     13 Apr - 11 Mar 2025

    共 4 堂 (星期日,20/4除外) 

    14:00 - 18:00

    WA503 - 尖沙咀北京道71-77號誠信大廈5樓503室

    Oliver Chan

     3 - 24 May 2025

    共 4 堂 (星期六) 

    14:00 - 18:00

    Sake Bar CHU-CHU - 銅鑼灣登龍街28號永光中心25樓

    Oliver Chan



     試驗 方式 時間 內容

    Paper 1 - 第 次試驗


    50 分鐘


    Paper 2 - 第 2 次試驗


    50 分鐘


    Paper 3 -  第 3 次試驗

    品飲及筆試 50 分鐘 清酒品鑑及侍酒知識

     日期 時間 最後報名日期

    23 Mar 2025 (Sun)

    10:00 - 13:00

    6 Mar 2025

    6 Apr 2025 (Sat)

    10:00 - 13:00

    20 Mar 2025


     優惠詳情 優惠條款

    - HK$400


    - 9%

    - 三人或以上同時報讀
    (將 3 個或以上數量同時加進購物車並輸入優惠碼: GROUP9%OFF 便可享有折扣優惠)


    Refund Policy

    All fee and expenses are not refundable after order confirmation. If you need to refund for a specific reason before course commence, please provide relevant proof and email us via enquiry@hkwineacademy.com. For more details, please refer to our Refund Policy and Terms of Use.

    Adverse Weather Policy

    If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is in force after 7:00 a.m. - the morning events that starts before 2:00 p.m. will be cancelled 11:00 a.m. - the afternoon event that starts between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. will be cancelled. 4:00 p.m. - the event that starts from 6:00 p.m. will be cancelled. The academy will re-schedule the event. If participants cannot join the event on the re-scheduled date, event fee will be refunded. When Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted during the event, the event must be terminated immediately and the Academy will arrange all participants to leave the venue. When Black Rainstorm Warning is in force, all participants of the event are advised to stay where they are until the warning signal is lowered.

    Who are your instructors?

    All our WSET® course lecturers had undergone the WSET® Educator Training Program, and only Certified WSET® Educators will teach courses above the Foundation level. Guided tasting courses are led by tutors with specific experience.

    What is the class size?

    Our maximum class size:

    Level 1:22 人

    Level 2: 14 人

    Level 3: 14 人

    Absent Arrangement

    We will try to arrange you to fit into another class of the same course to make up for the absent class. However according to the class size, wine tasting samples may be allocated at last priority. For better preparation, please let us know your absent arrangement as soon as possible.

    Why Hong Kong Wine Academy?

    Quality, Independent, and Commitment is our motto.

    Hong Kong Wine Academy is independent from wine trade and committed to offer high quality wine courses at reasonable price. All our WSET® course lecturers had undergone the WSET® Educator Training Program, and only Certified WSET® Educators will teach courses above the Foundation level. A single lecturer is assigned to follow the whole course for consistency. Also wine samples are carefully selected to reflect specific requirements of different courses.

    What is the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET® )?

    WSET® was founded in UK in 1969 to promote, provide and develop high quality education and training in wine and spirit industry. Since then, WSET® has grown into the foremost international awarding body in the field of wines and spirits. Recently, there are increasing number of consumers and enthusiasts attending the WSET® courses with the desire to enhance their knowledge. Hong Kong Wine Academy is a WSET® Approved Program Provider and is authorized to offer WSET® courses.

    Are there any prerequisites for taking the WSET® courses?

    No. However, we recommend those who intend to take the Intermediate Certificate course should have basic knowledge in wine and spirit, and those who intend to take the Advanced Certificate course should have good knowledge in wine and spirit.

    Can the courses be taught in other languages?

    Yes. In addition to Cantonese, we also teach courses in English and Mandarin on ad hoc based.

    Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
